The Chosen Movement has been an initiative that's been in my heart for many years; and the reason for this is because of what I have seen and been seeing in my generation and the generations below me.
We live in a society and age where people are so easily influenced by others that they forget their true identities.
I also noticed that with this generation many are not even concerned with what their purpose could be at all because they "live life for themselves" or "don't answer to anyone but themselves" or my personal favourite, "are trying to find themselves" the latter I find the most ironic because how can you try to know who you are without the help of the one who created you in the first place?
Our backbone scripture of 1 Peter 2:9 says “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”, and the use of the word 'chosen' stood out to me because one of the definitions is that “it is used to indicate the impossibility of anything other than what is being stated.” And this in essence means that God is telling us that it is impossible for us to be anything but his chosen people, his royal priesthood etc and once this clicked in my head something started to say, “You are Chosen, You are Chosen, YOU ARE CHOSEN!!!”
We decided to make an impact on
the youths after observing that many
were lukewarm or cold because they did not know the God in whom they served and for this reason we wanted God to revive his people and birth a fresh flame within their hearts that could not be quenched. We also wanted to remind them of who they are "... a Royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people" and that they are chosen for a reason and a purpose to make an impact on the earth through the manifestation of God. Our first chosen event in January of 2016 was a success, God spoke directly to the hearts of his children and many were awoken and started walking in the way of the Lord and have not looked back, others rededicated their lives to him, and one individual gave his life to Christ (Luke 15 vs 10) "... The angles rejoice in the heavens over one sinner that repents".
The Chosen Movement came as an inspiration to myself and the founder John - Joel Ikiebe during our annual fasting and praying month,
we had also just been ordained as the youth leaders of our church (BHFM) because our hearts were for the youths.